Kottayam: BJP leader and actor, Suresh Gopi, visited the house of slain lady doctor, Dr. Vanadana Das. He visited the doctor’s house at Kottayam today at 1.30pm. Vandana’s mother had expressed her desire to meet with the actor. She requested that Suresh Gopi meet with the CM.
During the media interaction after the visit, Suresh Gopi became emotional and said that the dreams of that family has been shattered after they lost their daughter. The pain of losing a child is more than words can express. The grief is too much when a person shares the sadness of the tragedy.
The actor turned politician also said that a social cleansing is necessary. There is a need of rectification by the society itself.
He also said that Vandana’s family have entrusted him with some things that he must tell the Chief Minister. Suresh Gopi said that he will visit the CM and speak with him about it. His son Madhav also accompanied him on the visit.
Meanwhile, Dr. Arun from Peroorkada Mental Health Center examined the accused Sandeep who attacked Dr. Vandana. Dr. Arun said that Sandeep has no mental issues. According to his report there is no need to take Sandeep to hospital to treat for mental illness.