Malappuram: Eight persons have been arrested by the police for killing a Bihar native, Rajesh Manji, at Kondotty in Malappuram on Saturday. The police have also taken into custody a person for trying to destroy CCTV visuals of the crime.
All the arrested hails from Thavanur, near Kizhisherri in Malappuram. The arrested are Muhammad Afsal, Fazil, Shafarudeen, Mehboob, Abdusamad, Nasar, Habib, and Ayoob.
The Malappuram Magistrate Court has remanded all the eight persons.
It is alleged that the deceased Rajesh Manji had to endure torture for two-and-a-hours from 12.15 am onwards at the hands of the accused. His hands were tied at the back and beaten up with plastic pipes and wooden sticks.
Rajesh sustained bruises all over his body and also had internal injuries. His body was completely damaged due to the intense beating that lasted for hours. This led to his death.
The lynching took place at Onnam Mile on the Kizhisherri-Tavanur road. Rajesh Manji was spotted in front of one of the accused, Muhammad Afsal’s house. The group started beating up Manji believing that he had come there for stealing. Rajesh Manji was an employee of a godown near Muhammad Afsal’s house.