Thiruvananthapuram: The protests and anger in the death of seventeen-year-old girl, Asmiya mol, at a Madrasa in Balaramapuram has intensified. The BJP will conduct a protest march towards the Balaramapuram Police Station and ABVP will stage a march towards the religious center where the victim was found dead.
A special investigation team will conduct investigation at the religious center today.
The other day, BJP leader, Anoop Antony, in his FB page, criticized the silence of DYFI in the Asmiya mol case. He said that if Balaramapuram was in Uttar Pradesh and if the institution where she died was that of another religion, then DYFI would have responded. Sarcastically, he said that the name in Kerala for double standards like this is ‘Secularism’.
He also said that it is highly unlikely that the family of the victim will get justice from this government.