Thiruvananthapuram: A report said that Kerala University (KU) has decided to check the election details of every college under it after a SFI leader was caught red-handed for impersonating as a college union counselor. The university made it clear that the University Union election will be conducted only after a thorough examination of the elections that were held in colleges under it.
The KU has directed the principals of the colleges to check if there were any irregularities in the college elections and to send a report to the university. Meanwhile, the principal of the Christian College in Kattakadda, Dr. Shyju, has admitted to failure in the incident.
According to the report, the University is viewing this incident seriously. It is mainly checking if irregularities occurred in elections in colleges where any one single student organization is dominant. Every details of the election will be collected from the colleges. The details from the time of nomination to the announcement of results will be examined. University Union elections will be conducted only after every irregularity is solved.
The SFI has no opposition at the Christian College in Kattakadda. It won in all the 43 rep seats in the College Union election without facing any contest.
However, SFI leader Vyshak, who could not contest due to his age, got his name listed as college union counselor. The real winner was a student named Anakha. But instead of sending her name as one of the counselors from the college, Vyshak’s name was given. Reports also say that the returning officer was pressurized to allow Vyshak to contest the election.
Meanwhile, KSU alleged that irregularities were done at the Christian College Union elections to sabotage the University Union election. CPI(M) has instructed both Vyshak and Anakha not to speak with the media.