Thiruvananthapuram: Rajya Sabha MP and media personality, John Brittas, said that love-jihad doesn’t exist and that the movie ‘The Kerala Story’ was made to spread anti-Islam. He said that the BJP is trying to spread love-jihad, which is a non-existent issue. Brittas made these remarks to an online media.
Brittas said that if Congress stands firm in Kerala, BJP will not have a space here. However, if Congress gets weaker, like in other states, then BJP will grow in Kerala. He also said that Kerala is fighting against the movie ‘The Kerala Story’. This is the issue of our prestige. The BJP is trying to change the history textbooks. They are trying to demonize Muslim kings and picture Hindu kings as those who do pious things.
He also claimed that he had written to Amit Shah one month before the release of ‘The Kerala Story’ telling that the movie is aimed at Kerala. He said that there is no rationale behind love-jihad.
The Rajya Sabha MP also tried to downplay the gold smuggling cases being reported almost daily in Kerala. He said that some poor people might be smuggling gold from the Gulf by hiding it in some parts. But the media is blowing it out of proportion. He also said that in North India gold is smuggled in containers and they don’t have an issue about it.
John Brittas was elected to the Rajya Sabha as the nominee of CPI(M) in 2021.