Thiruvananthapuram: A news media report has pointed out that the police are trying to help the accused SFI leader, Vishak, in the impersonation row by changing his age in police FIR.
It is alleged that the police, in a bid to protect Vishak, changed his age from 25-years to 19-years in the FIR. This is done to defend his qualification in the elections. According to University rules, a person above twenty-two years is not allowed to contest in college union elections.
The incident took place at the Kattakadda Christian College. After the elections were over, SFI leader Vishak’s name was placed on the list of university union councilor. The seat was won by a girl named Anakha. However, her name was replaced with Vishak’s name and the list sent to Kerala University. The SFI leader had not even contested the election because of his age.
The Kerala University took serious note of the impersonation row and has debarred the College Principal, Dr. GJ Shaiju. The college management has since suspended him. The KU also constituted a three-member committee to go through the University Union Councillors list provided by the colleges.
The election to the University Union has been postponed till after the scrutiny.