Kondotty: In a tragic incident, an activist and supporter of CPI(M), Razak Payambrottu, hanged himself at the Pulikkal Gram Panchayat in Malappuram district. According to a report he was unhappy with the Panchayat for not heeding his complaints against a polluting plastic waste processing plant. Incidentally, the Panchayat is ruled by CPI(M).
Razak’s body was found hanging above the verandah with a file containing the complaints he had written to the Panchayat, said a report.
Reports say that his elder brother had died a few months ago due to lung diseases allegedly caused by pollution from the waste processing plant. He had pleaded with the panchayat authorities about the smoke pollution and how it was affecting his brother’s health.
Razak Payambrottu was a well known activist in cultural circles of that area. He was former secretary of Mappila Kala Academy and ran an evening newspaper ‘Kondotty Times’.
Razak, a strong supporter of CPI(M), had given away property to construct a memorial for Kerala’s first Chief Minister and CPI(M) leader EMS Namboodripad.