Thiruvananthapuram: A man who won a small cash prize of the Kerala State Lottery has been found dead in a well. The deceased is Rajeev, a resident of Nagaroor panchayat in Thiruvananthapuram district. His family had approached the police complaining that he was missing since the day he won the prize.
Rajeev used to take lottery tickets frequently. Two days ago, he purchased a lottery ticket, which won a small cash prize. He went missing just after giving the ticket to the lottery shop and receiving the money.
The victim was working in the Gulf before returning to his native place. Rajeev used to live alone in his home. When there was no information about him for two days, the locals began a search. The search tragically ended with the discovery of his dead body in the well.
After a preliminary examination, the police say that there is nothing suspicious in Rajeev’s death. It is speculated that he might have slipped and fell into the well while he sat at the edge of the well.
The police have informed that an investigation is being conducted into his death and further action will be decided once the post-mortem report is received.