During the Malayalam month of Karkidakam, the sacred book of Ramayana is recited in many Hindu households. Interestingly, during this time, there is a growing curiosity surrounding a cute masterpiece – the world’s smallest Ramayana. Attur Santhosh Kumar, hailing from Puranatukara, Thrissur, has crafted the world’s first micro-abbreviated Ramayana. Measuring just 5 mm in length and 5 mm in width, this tiny masterpiece is gaining immense popularity.
Contained within this little Ramayana are approximately 24,000 summarized verses. Despite its size, this tiny book, readable with the help of a lens, sparks both curiosity and devotion. The initial pages gracefully present the 51 letters from ‘A’ to ‘Ra’ (‘അ’ മുതൽ ‘റ’) in the Malayalam language. Spanning across 201 pages, with three words per page, the summary has been meticulously crafted to capture the essence of the characters and context without compromising on its significance.
Santosh Kumar, who runs his own printing press, ventured into book creation during the last corona pandemic period. His dedication and hard work over the past three years culminated in this compact creation, now available to readers. For those who cannot read with lenses, a miniature version is thoughtfully provided. Additionally, Santhosh Kumar has authored another book titled ‘Shatrughna Maunam,’ offering his independent interpretations of Shatrughna’s character in the Ramayana.