Thiruvananthapuram: Swami Sandeepananda Giri, a self-proclaimed ‘Swami’ with pro-communist leanings, who previously made inappropriate and derogatory comments about Lord Ganesha on social media, is scheduled to be participating in an upcoming event hosted by the Indian Overseas Congress in Chicago. Sandeepananda has been invited as the chief guest to this program. The event’s purpose is to express support for Manipur. As per reports, Fr. Paul Choorathotti is also participating in the program.
There has been a strong protest in the Congress organization for inviting a person who is anti-Hindu and working for the Communists to the Congress program. Sandeepananda is on a personal visit to America.
There are also accusations that the Congress program which is to be held in the United States itself is a fraudulent one. A fake poster has been prepared without any information about the organizers of the event. Sandeepananda had himself posted and spread this poster through social media.
Recently, the communist leaning Swami Sandeepananda Giri, to gain support of the leftist crowd, had made very rude and defamatory remarks insulting Hindu God and Goddess through his social media post.
In his post, he recalls an instance in which he was teaching NSS students in Kottayam about the story of how Lord Ganapathi lost his head and how his head was replaced with that of an elephant. The swami in his post said that during the class a Nair girl told him that all these would not have happened if Goddess Parvathi had locked her bathroom door.
Swami Sandeepananda Giri also posted the picture of Lord Ganapathi and begins his insulting comments by writing the mantra of Lord Ganapathi. The swami narrates the incident and skillfully includes a Hindu Nair girl in a bid to mock fun of NSS.
Incidentally, Maharashtra Police has also received a complaint against Sandeepananda.