Thiruvananthapuram: Governor Arif Mohammad Khan has accepted the SFI’s challenge of not letting him enter any universities in Kerala. The Governor reiterated that SFI activists are hooligans. He bluntly said that if the protestors come near his car, he will come out, and there will be no truce with goons and anti-socials. He mentioned that there is no problem in showing the black flag from a distance, but if they protest on his way, he will come out of the vehicle and respond.
The Governor, who is also the Chancellor of Universities, will arrive at the University of Calicut today. He will participate in the seminar which will be held on the campus on Monday. SFI has challenged that the Governor would not be allowed to set foot on the campus. In response to this challenge, the Governor has decided to stay in the University Guest House itself.
SFI activists had waved black flags at the Governor few days back. The attack on the Governor was led by the SFI district committee. During this incident, the Governor got out of his car and responded furiously. Relatively weak charges were initially added in the FIR against the attackers which led to widespread criticism. Subsequently, a case was registered against the activists under IPC 124.