Thiruvananthapuram: Officers appointed on deputation from the Revenue Department for the survey of K-Rail find themselves in a financial limbo, with 205 officers remaining unpaid for the last five months. Those below the gazetted rank have received their salaries up to November, while others are awaiting overdue payments dating back to August.
In 2021, these officers were initially appointed to serve as special officers in the 11 districts traversed by K-Rail and in the special deputy collector’s office in Ernakulam. However, due to the project’s failure to secure central approval, they were subsequently reassigned to various projects, including those under the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB). KIIFB covered the salaries until August, during which period the officers operated under the jurisdiction of the Finance Department. While established rules dictate that employees should receive payment from the organization for which they are currently working.