Thiruvananthapuram: In a disturbing report made at the police headquarters, 772 police officers across Kerala are facing criminal charges. The number also include 8 women officers and 59 among the total are hardcore criminals facing serious charges. Interestingly, the Kerala Police Department is reluctant to dismiss the officers facing serious charges even after Human Rights Commission demanded that they be removed from the force.
The charges against these officers include child molestation, rape, custody deaths, fight, dowry, and even misbehaving with women. The most number of criminals police officers are in Thiruvananthapuram Rural – 110 officers and the minimum number is at Wayanad – 11.
The accused include officers holding the rank of DySP to Civil officers. In fact 500 of the criminal accused are civil police officers.
The list includes 12 officers involved in serious crimes, 3 accused under POCSO Act and 5 officers involved in raping women.
It was reported last year that 59 police officers were involved in serious crimes. The Human Rights Commission had urged the government to dismiss them from the force. However, the police department was reluctant and said that the accused will continue in the department as long as the legal process continues.
When the Commission hardened its stance, the police department responded by seeking legal advice to bypass the Commissioner’s insistence.