Thiruvananthapuram: Police, investigating the stabbing of a student by SFI leaders in University College campus, has said that the College authorities are not cooperating with the investigations. Though the college authorities are claiming that they have suspended 9 more students, the lack of cooperation by them is making it hard for police to identify the culprits.
Meanwhile, visuals of the incident taken just after the stabbing, show that Akhil, who was stabbed, being pursued by SFI leaders and beaten up. Other students latter took him to the hospital where he is recuperating. The visuals confirm what the witnesses said earlier that SFI leaders tried to stop others from taking Akhil to the hospital.
The Police have taken case against 30 persons who can be identified. However, the college authorities are refusing to share the information of those students. This has hampered the police investigation.
Yesterday, SFI leaders forced the police officers on duty to get down from the stage and ordered them to leave the college. The officers were guarding the room used by SFI as office and torture space. The police were stationed at the college stage, which is adjacent to the SFI office room.
Forcing the police from there was an attempt by the SFI leaders to reclaim their office room and torture space.
With the government and college authorities trying to shield the SFI leaders, there is little hope that Akhil could get justice in this case. Moreover, the ordinary students doomed to study at University College also must endure the atrocities of the communist student organization in the coming days.