Tokyo: The Olympics Games, which was scheduled to begin from 24 July in Tokyo, might be postponed due to the alarming spread of COVID-19. For the first time since the dreaded infection began in China, the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has spoken about the possibility of postponing the event.
Yesterday, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held an emergency meeting and decided to step up its scenario planning for the Games which included the possibility of postponing it.
Shinzo Abe said that cancelling the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games was not an option, postponing it would be considered.
IOC with the organizers in Tokyo wanted to go ahead with the Games as planned. However, many nations, athletes, federations, etc had insisted to postpone the event considering the rapid spread of COVID-19. This made the IOC rethink their plan and on Sunday gave the possibility that the Games might be postponed to a later date.
Canada and Australia have already announced their withdrawal from the Olympic Games.
Tokyo was selected to host the Olympic Games during the 125the IOC Session held in Argentina in 2013. The city had hosted the Games in 1964.
Japan has around 1,055 cases of COVID-19 and has reported 37 deaths.