New Delhi: In the Extraordinary Virtual G20 Leaders’ Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, asked the world leaders to switch to a new form of globalization and underscored the need to put human beings at the centre of the vision of global prosperity and cooperation.
According to sources PM Narendra Modi said that globalization has failed us whether it is combating terrorism or climate change.
Modi reminded the G20 leaders that COVID-19 has offered the opportunity to look at new concept of globalization based on humanity, climate change and terrorism.
He said that there must be a plan to put humans at the centre, reduce hardships for economically weaker sections and also suggested that WHO must be strengthened and reformed.
In addition, he said that there must be more sharing of medical research among nations.
The sources said that PM Modi spoke for all those who did not have a voice.
He said, “We need to look at globalization, we need to look at comprehensively with humanity at the centre.”
PM Modi urged G20 nations to come up with a concrete action plan to fight COVID-19 and said that 90% of the infected and 88% of the deaths come from the member nations of G20. He also reminded that G20 controls 80% of the GDP of the world and has 60% of the population.
As per reports leaders of the G20 appreciated the initiative of PM Modi to bring together leaders to meet for global response.