Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Thursday (April 8) take part in a high-level virtual event with the President of the Republic of Seychelles HE Wavel Ramkalawan to inaugurate a range of Indian projects in the island nation.
The event will see joint e-inauguration of the new Magistrates’ Court Building in Seychelles, handing over of a Fast Patrol Vessel to Seychelles Coast Guard and a 1 MW Solar Power Plant, the inauguration of 10 High Impact Community Development Projects (HICDPs), Prime Minister’s office said in a statement.
The new Magistrates’ Court Building in the capital city Victoria, is India’s first major civil infrastructure project in Seychelles built with grant assistance.
The Magistrates’ Court is a state of the art building which will substantially enhance the capacity of the Seychelles judicial system and aid in better delivery of judicial services to the people of Seychelles.
Seychelles is India’s most trusted and tested partner.