Paris: The world renowned dramatist and film director Peter Brook died. He was the first one who presented the famous epic, Mahabharata in the world drama platforms.
He died in France at the age of 97.
At the age of 18, Brook entered with his theatrical debut and proved his talent. He had soon become the most talented and skilful artist in the world of drama. He had reached the top most position in the art of drama and was regarded as an original and fundamental director in the field of art and culture.
He directed his first drama in association with the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1964. He got his first award for the best director in 1965. The Mahabharata, a 9 hours long drama, had already become a world wonder in the drama platforms of Paris during 1965.
India honoured Brook with the Padmasree in 2021.
Brooke was born on March 21, 1921 in London. He was honoured with many awards including the Tony, Emmy, Laurence Olivier, Premier Imperial and Prix Italia.