Iran: Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra has come forward supporting the Iranian Women who are conducting Anti-Hijab protests. The protest is being held over the death of Mahsa Amini who has been killed for not wearing the Hijab properly.
Thousands of people have come up in protest against the incident. They burned their hijab and cut their hair on behalf of the protests. The videos are being circulated over various social networking platforms.
Priyanka shared her post on Instagram. On her profile she wrote “Women in Iran and around the world are standing up and raising their voices, publicly cutting their hair and many other forms of protest for Mahsa Amini, whose young life was taken away so brutally by the Iranian Morality Police for wearing her hijab ‘improperly’. The voices that speak after ages of forced silence, will rightfully burst like a volcano! And they will not and MUST not be stemmed.
Mahsa Amini was arrested on 13 September when she was going with her brother and realtives at Tehran Metro Station. She was arrested for not following the strict Iranian rules of wearing the Hijab properly. For three days she was in a state of coma and then died. The authorities claimed it as a death “of natural cause” but the activists said it was a result of the fatal blow to the head.
Priyanka Chopra added “I am in awe of your courage and your purpose. It is not easy to risk your life, literally, to challenge the patriarchal establishment and fight for your rights. But, you are courageous women doing this every day regardless of the cost to yourselves. To ensure that this movement will have a lasting effect, we must hear their call, understand the issues and then join in with our collective voices. We must also get everyone who can influence others to join as well. Numbers matter. Add your voice to this critical movement. Stay informed and be vocal, so these voices can no longer be forced to stay silent.
I stand with you. Jin, jiyan , azaadi… Women, life, freedom”.