Srinagar: Amjad Taha, an Arab influencer took it to his twitter handle to share a video showcasing the enchanting beauty of Kashmir. He expressed in his tweet that, “This is not Switzerland or Austria; this is India, and this is Kashmir where the G20 will take place. It’s called the “paradise on Earth,” a place that has preserved the Earth and can be the solution for climate change.”
He also added in his tweet that, “In Kashmir, we see Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians all living in peace and enjoying their diverse land while contributing to world innovation and development for the future.”
This is not Switzerland or Austria; this is India, and this is Kashmir where the G20 will take place. It's called the "paradise on Earth," a place that has preserved the Earth and can be the solution for climate change. In Kashmir, we see Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians…
— Amjad Taha أمجد طه (@amjadt25) May 20, 2023
He also quoted and told how the famous poet Amir Khusrau’s words were meant for Kashmir, “If there is a heaven on earth, it is here.”
'This is Kashmir where the G20 will take place' -Arab influencer Amjad Taha's praise for India
Read @ANI Story | #Tourism #AmjadTaha #JammuAndKashmir #Influencer
— ANI Digital (@ani_digital) May 20, 2023
Under India’s G20 presidency, the third Tourism Working Group meeting is set to take place in Srinagar from 22-24 May. As part of initiating a new and better outcome from the region, the social growth, economic development, and stability of Kashmir lie with the development of tourism in the Union Territory.
The Government hopes that the G20 summit in Srinagar will draw investors and visitors from around the world.