Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in an interview said that the technology of Artificial Intelligence is moving forward in the right direction. He also said how AI already exists in various media fields and that this development of AI is just a start towards a new co-dependent AI era.
The view of Nadella over the development of AI is more optimistic than others. He holds the notion that AI does not pose any imminent threat towards humans, while acknowledging the need for safety measures.
Nadella also said that AI is still under the control of technological experts and has a human control over it. They are trying to take maximum advantage of AI for improving technology. This statement is considered to be quite the contrary from what OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said during a US Senate committee.
Sam Altman recently testified before a US Senate committee on how the AI technology has its merits and pitfalls. He urged the lawmakers to regulate the technology so that it does not lead to a completely wrong end. He also suggested the requirement of forming agencies to license and test AI models before their release into the market. He also added that AI is very useful in almost all human concerns, including weather analysis and cancer treatment.
Ever since ChatGPT gained huge popularity, the pros and cons of the technology have been making headlines for quite some time. Elon Musk, ex-OpenAI co-founder also spoke against Microsoft. The Tesla CEO said that Microsoft is funding billions into OpenAI and is effectively controlling the technology.
He also spoke about how OpenAI was a start-up he funded with $50 million and how it aimed to be a non-profit organisation. But now instead of being a non-profit entity, it has transgressed into a for-profit one. Musk had backed off from OpenAI years ago and has advocated concerns of the ethical implications the company presents.
Although in response, Nadella said that their involvement in OpenAI is factually incorrect. Urging that he has lot of respect for Musk, Nadella said that OpenAI is controlled by a non-profit board. Microsoft has a great commercial partnership with it and only holds a non-controlling interest in it.