The highly anticipated film “Bawaal,” directed by Nitesh Tiwari and featuring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor, is set to premiere on Prime Video on July 21, as announced by the streaming platform on Wednesday. The movie is collaboration between Sajid Nadiadwala’s production banner, Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh’s Earthsky Pictures.
Prime Video unveiled a teaser for the film, which showcases the blossoming romance between Ajay Dixit (played by Varun Dhawan) and Nisha (played by Janhvi Kapoor) as they embark on a journey of love. Ajay is a beloved schoolteacher in Lucknow, idolised by his students and respected by the entire town. Janhvi’s character, Nisha, is a bright and simple girl who yearns to find true love. However, the teaser also includes a controversial sequence set in what appears to be a gas chamber reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
The inclusion of such imagery sparked a debate among the audience regarding the use of a tragedy as significant as the Holocaust to romanticise similar situations. While some viewers raised concerns, others defended the film, urging everyone to trust Nitesh Tiwari’s sensibility as a filmmaker and wait for the film’s release before passing judgement.
Nitesh Tiwari is known for his previous directorial successes, including the blockbuster “Dangal,” a sports drama starring Aamir Khan, Sanya Malhotra, and Fatima Sana Shaikh, based on the inspiring story of Haryanvi wrestler Mahavir Phogat. His last film was the critically acclaimed and National Award-winning buddy film “Chhichhore,” featuring Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor, among others.
“Bawaal” is co-written by Nitesh Tiwari, Nikhil Mehrotra, Piyush Gupta, Shreyas Jain, and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari. Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala’s Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, the film marks the first on-screen pairing of Varun and Janhvi. Breaking away from the theatrical release, “Bawaal” will premiere directly on Prime Video India on July 21.