Telangana High Court on Monday gave a two-day ultimatum to the state government to take a decision on imposing a night curfew or lockdown to tackle Covid1-19 situation in the state.
The court also said that it would issue orders if the government fails to take a decision within 48-hours.
Hearing the petitions relating to covid-19 situation in the state, Chief Justice Hima Kohli asked whether the government had issued any circulars to check visits to movie theatres, malls, weddings and other public places.
Disappointed over the false figure affidavit filed by the state government on Covid-related petitions, the court questioned whether the state was vying for the position of “Covid topper” in the country.
The court also expressed its displeasure over the government’s handling of the COVID-19 spread in the state.
The government has to come up with replies in the next hearing on Friday, the Chief Justice added.