Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said the National Capital has recorded 900 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours.
The Delhi government will unlock more activities in a phased manner as and when the COVID-19 cases decrease, Mr Kejriwal told reporters.
Kejriwal, who kick-started the drive-through COVID-19 vaccination centre of the Delhi government at the Chhatrasal Stadium, where people above 45 are getting vaccinated for free, said, ‘Yesterday, we announced that two activities – construction activities and factories can be opened because the poor such as migrant labourers have faced difficulty due the lockdown.’
‘Today, only 900 COVID-19 cases have emerged for the first time, I hope that as and when the cases keep on decreasing in the upcoming weeks, we will continue to unlock further. We want the economic activities to come back on track so that the economy can be revived,’ he said.