Karnataka Minister for Primary and Secondary Education S Suresh Kumar on Saturday warned the private institutions against stopping online classes to the students across the state over non-payment of fees.
In a statement here, he said that Apex court order is very clear in this regard. If any complaints are received for stopping the online class to students, the government will take legal actions. Parents can file complaints with him or concerned BEOs, actions will be initiated against such institutions who stop the online classes.
The Minister also clarified that the Pre-University Education Department has already cancelled the exams. He said that the Department’s circular for tests for the first year PU students is not necessary to physically attend college. Assignments can be delivered to the student via WhatsApp, email, and mail. Sample question papers are also available on the department’s web site. Links to the question paper have also been sent to the mobile number of students enrolled in the department’s database.
The lecturers have been instructed to give minimum marks and to provide appropriate evaluation to the students who submitted the answer papers, which is essential for the future of the children.