Malappuram: The police have arrested Nassar, the owner of the boat that was involved in the tragic accident, killing 22 persons. He will be presented in court today. As part of the investigation, the police might examine the boat in detail. However, the driver of the boat and his assistant are still on the run.
As the exact number of people who were on the boat is not available, the search operations will continue today also.
Police arrested Nassar after a long search. He tried to escape to a foreign country through the Cochin International Airport. However, realizing that the police are behind him, he returned to Kozhikode, where he was arrested. The police have registered a case of culpable homicide against Nassar.
The police had already confiscated Nassar’s vehicle at Kochi. His relatives were in the car. The police first thought that Nassar would surrender in one of the police stations in Ernakulam. Four relatives who were in the car have been taken into custody.
The natives of the place where the accident took place are raising serious allegations against Nassar. They say that he had increased the depth of the river and modified a fishing boat to be used for tourist service.