New Delhi: Minister of State (MoS), V Muraleedharan, said that the CPI(M)’s support and encouragement to Speaker AN Shamseer’s insulting statements against Hindu beliefs is a challenge to the Hindu community. He also questioned the Congress party’s stand on this issue.
V Muraleedharan also criticized the communist party for abusing Nair Service Society (NSS) General Secretary, G Sukumaran Nair. The CPI(M) has taken a contemptuous stand against NSS leader for asking AN Shamseer’s apology and resignation. The communist party ridiculed Sukumaran Nair for saying that the statement made by Shamseer was not appropriate for a person holding a Constitutional position.
The Minister asked if AK Balan was deputed by the CPI(M) to insult the NSS General Secretary. AK Balan, the Central Committee member of CPI(M) had earlier mocked the NSS General Secretary for demanding Shamseer’s resignation for insulting Hindu beliefs.
Muraleedharan also questioned the Congress party’s stand in the issue. He asked the Congress leaders if they will sit in the Legislative Assembly chaired by Speaker, AN Shamseer, who has insulted the majority community. The Minister asked if the Congress party supports Speaker’s actions. He also asked what is the stand of the Congress on AK Balan’s rude statements against NSS General Secretary.
The BJP leader reminded that these people had raised a huge hue and cry when something is said against someone from minority community. They must clarify their stand on this issue also.
V Muraleedhran said that after trying to destroy the traditions of Sabarimala temple, the CPI(M) has once again shown its anti-Hindu position.
The Speaker of the Kerala Assembly, AN Shamseer, had insulted Lord Ganapathi and Hindu beliefs and dubbed it as myths and a hindrance to scientific progress. However, the Speaker did not mention about the myths and religious beliefs of any other religions.