Rakesh Tikait, the 51-year-old Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader, welcomed the support from international artistes and activists, including Rihanna and Greta Thunberg, but acknowledged he does not know them.
“Who are these foreign artistes?” Tikait said exhibiting unawareness when asked about the foreigners supporting the farmers’ movement.
“They may have supported us, but I don’t know them. If some foreigner is supporting the movement, it is not an issue. They are not giving us or taking anything away from us,” said Rakesh Tikait.
India has reacted sharply to comments by foreign celebrities, including pop singer Rihanna on farmers’ protests, saying a very small section of farmers in parts of India have some reservations about these reforms. Respecting the sentiments of the protestors, the Government of India has initiated a series of talks with their representatives.
The Ministry of External Affairs and Celebrities have strongly condemned the interference of foreign artistes with #IndiaTogether and #IndiaAgainstPropaganda.