Kochi: Smuggled gold worth Rs.1.40 crores have been caught from two passengers at the Cochin International Airport in Nedumbassery, said a report. The carriers tried to smuggle the gold in capsule form and by hiding it in their bodies. Some gold was also made into a paste and hidden in one of the passengers’ jeans.
Palakkad native Muhammad Shameer was travelling to Kerala from Malaysia when he was caught. He carried 1784 grams of gold with him illegally. This amounts to Rs.84 lakhs. He hid the gold in his body in capsule form and the rest was hidden in his jeans in the form of paste.
The other passenger, Shareef, a native of Malappuram, flew into Kerala from Dubai carrying 1254 grams of gold. He was caught and the security forces recovered four capsules of gold, which was hidden in his body, said the report.